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Hélène Charreire, Benoit Conti, Lucile Bauchard, Ndèye Aïta Cissé, Marlène Perignon, Pascaline Rollet, Coline Perrin, Sophie Blanchard, Céline Roda, Thierry Feuillet, Malika Madelin, Vincent Dupuis, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Anne-Peggy Hellequin, Isabelle Coll, Corinne Larrue, Sophie Baudet-Michel, Gabrielle Vernouillet, Fernande Ntsame-Abegue, Isabelle Fabre, Caroline Méjean, Jean-Michel Oppert, 2023, A natural experiment to assess how urban interventions in lower socioeconomic areas inuence health behaviors: the UrbASanté study
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