1 Articles publiés en revue scientifique à comité de lecture. Scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals

Christoforou Z., Collet P.-A., Kabalan B., and Leurent F. (2017) Influencing Passenger Longitudinal Location on Railway Platform to Shorten and Regularize Train Dwell Times, Transportation Research Record 2648: 117-125. DOI 10.3141/2648-14

Xie X. and Leurent, F. (2017) Estimating Distributions of Walking Speed, Walking Distance and Waiting Time through Automated Fare Collection Data of Rail Transit. Transportation Research Record 2648: 134-141. DOI 10.3141/2648-14. 〈hal-01472044〉

Christoforou, Z., Corbillé, E., Farhi, N. and Leurent, F. (2016). Managing Planned Disruptions of Mass Transit Systems. Transportation Research Record, 2541: 46-55.

Christoforou, Z ‘A Priori evaluation of policy measures against alcohol-impaired driving. French case study’. Transportation Research Record 2584: 97-103.

Kotelnikova-Weiler N., Leurent F., Poulhès A. (2017) Spatial refinement to better evaluate mobility and its environmental impacts inside a neighborhood. Forthcoming in UPLand: Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape and Environmental Design, Vol. 2. 15 p.

Wen J., Leurent F. and Xie X. (2017) A Transit Bottleneck Model For Optimal Control Strategies And Its Use In Traffic Assignment In Paris”. Forthcoming in Transportation Research Procedia.


  1. Chapitres d’ouvrage scientifique. Scientific book chapters

Berrada J. and Leurent F. (2017) Modeling Transportation Systems involving Autonomous Vehicles: A State of the Art. Transportation Research Procedia, 27: 215-221.

Boulet X., Zargayouna M., Leurent F., Kabalan B. and Ksontini F. (2017) A Dynamic Multiagent Simulation of Mobility in a Train Station. Transportation Research Procedia, 27: 744-751.

Kabalan B., Leurent F., Christoforou Z., Dubroca-Voisin M. (2017) Framework for centralized and dynamic pedestrian management in railway stations. Transportation Research Procedia, 27:712-719.

Leurent F., Pivano C. and Poulhès, A. (2017) On passenger traffic along a transit line: a stochastic model of station waiting and in-vehicle crowding under distributed headways. Transportation Research Procedia. 27: 1219-1226. http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2352146517309730

Leurent F. and Xie X. (2017) Exploiting smartcard data to estimate distributions of passengers’ walking speed and distances along an urban rail transit line. Transportation Research Procedia, 22:45-54.

Leurent F. and Xie X. (2017) On passenger repositioning along station platform during train waiting. Transportation Research Procedia. 27:688-695. 〈hal-01633420〉http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146517310207

Poulhès, A., Pivano C. and Leurent F. (2017) Hybrid Modeling of Passenger and Vehicle Traffic along a Transit Line: a sub-model ready for inclusion in a model of traffic assignment to a capacitated transit network. Transportation Research Procedia. 27:164-171.

Wen J., Leurent F. and Xie X. (2017) A Transit Bottleneck Model For Optimal Control Strategies And Its Use In Traffic Assignment In Paris. Transportation Research Procedia. 22:65-74.

Xie X. and Leurent F. (2017) Comparison of passenger walking speed distribution models in mass transit stations. Transportation Research Procedia. 27:164-171. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235214651730978X

Gentile, G. , Noekel, K., Schmöcker, J.D., Trozzi, V. and Chandakas E. (2016) The Theory of Transit Assignment: Demand and Supply Phenomena. In Gentile, G. & Noekel, K. (eds): Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Vol. 10: xxx-484.

Chandakas E., Leurent, F. and Cats, O. (2016) Modeling Software and Advanced Applications. In Gentile, G. & Noekel, K. (eds): Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Vol. 10: 521-560.

Cohen S. and Christoforou Z. (2016) Impact evaluation of traffic performance and road safety: a case study on an urban motorway in France. In: Traffic Management, Wiley ISTE Ltd, ISBN: 978-1-78630-028-7.

Friedrich, M., Leurent, F., Jackiva, I., Fini, V. and Raveau, S. (2016) From Transit Systems to Models: Purpose of Modelling. In Gentile, G. & Noekel, K. (eds): Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Vol. 10: 131-234.

Andreasson, I., Leurent, F. and Rossetti, R. (2016). Future Developments and Research Topics. In Gentile, G. & Noeckel, K. (eds): Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Vol. 10: 561-641.

Andreasson, I., Leurent, F., Corman, F. and dell’Olio, L. (2016) Modelling the Diversity and Integration of Transit Modes. In Gentile, G. & Noekel, K. (eds): Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Vol. 10: 485-520.

Christoforou, Z., Corbillé, E., Farhi, N. and Leurent, F. (2016). Managing Planned Disruptions of Mass Transit Systems. Accepté pour publication au Transportation Research Record, Journal of the TRB.

Friedrich, M., Leurent, F., Jackiva, I., Fini, V. and Raveau, S. (2016) From Transit Systems to Models: Purpose of Modelling. In Gentile, G. & Noeckel, K. (eds): Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, Vol. 10: 131-234.

3 Communications en conférence avec actes. International conference (with acts)

Berrada J. and Leurent F. (2017) Which business models for autonomous vehicles? Paper presented to the 2017 ITS-Europe Conference, Strasbourg, June. 12 pages.

Berrada J., Leurent F., Lesteven G., and Boutueil V. (2017) Between private cars and mass transit: the room for intermediate modes in the urban setting. Paper presented to the 2017 Mobi.TUM Conference, July. 10 p.

Berrada J., Christoforou Z., and Leurent F. (2018) Technical-Economic Analysis for Urban Bus Lines: A Model with Application to Greater Paris. Paper presented to TRA 2018.

Christoforou Z., Collet P.-A., Kabalan B., and Leurent F. (2017). ‘Influencing Passenger Longitudinal Location on Railway Platform to Shorten and Regularize Train Dwell Times’, Paper TRB #17-xxxx presented to the 2017 TRB Annual Congress, Washington, January.

Cossic M., Estève Q., Lif S., Leurent F., Kabalan K. and Xie X. (2017) Understanding the transfer function of mass transit hub by Automated Fare Collection data. Paper presented to the MT-ITS Conference, 24-26 June, Napoli. 6 p.

Schanzenbächer, F., Farhi, N., Christoforou, Z., Leurent, F., Gabriel, G. (2017) A discrete event traffic model explaining the traffic phases of the train dynamics on a metro line with a junction. Presented to 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 8 p.

Trouvé, M. and Leurent F. (2018) Modeling Urban Mobility at a Metropolitan Scale: a Comparison of Paris Transportation Models. Paper #10636 presented to TRA 2018.

Xie X., and Leurent, F. (2017) ‘Estimating Distributions of Walking Speed, Walking Distance and Waiting Time through Automated Fare Collection Data of Rail Transit’, Paper TRB #17-03123 presented to the 2017 TRB Annual Congress, Washington, January.

Kotelnikova-Weiler N., Leurent F., Poulhès A. (2016) Attribution methodologies for mobility impacts. European Transport Conference ETC2016, Barcelona, October 5-7, 15 p.

Leurent F., Poulhès A. (2016) Economic Analysis of In-Vehicle Congestion along a Transit Route: Emitted vs. Received Costs at the level of the Trip Leg. European Transport Conference ETC2016, Barcelona, October 5-7, 13 p.

Leurent F. and Xie X. (2016) Exploiting smartcard data to estimate distributions of passengers’ walking speed and distances along an urban rail transit line. Paper presented to the 19th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT2016, 5-7 September 2016, Istanbul. 8 p. Forthcoming in Elsevier Transportation Research Procedia.

Wen J., Leurent F. and Xie X. (2016). A Transit Bottleneck Model for Optimal Control Strategies and its Use in Traffic Assignment in Paris. 19th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT2016), Sept., Istanbul, Turkey.

Christoforou, Z., Corbillé, E., Farhi, N. and Leurent, F. (2016). Managing Planned Disruptions of Mass Transit Systems. Paper TRB #16-xxxx presented to the 2016 TRB Annual Congress, Washington, January.

Christoforou Z., Collet P.-A., Kabalan B., and Leurent F. (2017). ‘Influencing Passenger Longitudinal Location on Railway Platform to Shorten and Regularize Train Dwell Times’, Paper TRB #17-xxxx presented to the 2017 TRB Annual Congress, Washington, January.

Xie X. and Leurent F. (2016) Spatial and Temporal Analyses about Distributions of Walking Speed and Distances. Conference ETC2016, Barcelona, October 5-7, 16 p.

4 Communications en conférence sans actes. International conference.

Xie X. and Leurent, F. (2017). Stochastic model for journey time decomposition in mass transit. 20th COTA Annual Winter Symposium. Washington, D.C USA, Jan. 8th 2017. (Lectern).

Giraldo L., Bréas M., Paulo C., Siméon T., Ladjouze L., Leurent F., Baghoussi Y., and Christoforou Z. (2016) ”On the Flat Fare Reform that occurred in Paris Region on 2015, September 1st”. European Transport Conference ETC2016, Barcelona, October.

Leurent, F. (2015) ‘Present and future transit models and operation’, Final Meeting of COST TU 1004 “TransITS”, Cité Descartes, France, 12/05/2015.

Leurent, F. (2015) ‘Research Topics About and Around Transit Assignment’, Final Meeting of COST TU 1004 “TransITS”, Cité Descartes, France, 12/05/2015.

Leurent F., Chandakas E., Poulhès A., Wang S., Christoforou Z. (2015) The CapTA Transit Assignment Model and its Application to the Transit Network in Paris. Poster presented at Final Meeting of COST TU 1004 “TransITS”, Cité Descartes, France, 12/05/2015.